Home / Directions for Use

Remove any hair from the wound area. Apply Clireon Wound and Skin Care solution directly onto the wound site and continue application until the wound is thoroughly cleaned. No rinsing necessary. Safe for use around mouth, nose, eyes, and ears. Safe for use on animals big and small at any stage of life. 

  • If dressing is used, saturate it with Clireon Wound and Skin Care solution, then apply the dressing directly over the wound. It is recommended that the dressing is applied with its edges extending beyond the wound margins. Repeat these steps as needed, 1-5 times daily. Soak any dressing that adheres to the wound with Clireon Wound and Skin Care solution to help facilitate removal of the dressing.
  • Clean ears by gently wiping with a gauze pad coated in Clireon.
  • For eye irritations, spray onto a cotton ball and wipe/dab area as needed.
  • Skin Folds- soak cotton ball with Clireon and wipe skin folds to remove dirt, debris and other contaminants.
  • For best results spray often and generously to area needing assistance.
  • Consult your Veterinarian if the condition does not improve in 7 days or is accompanied by fever.



Active: Hypochlorous Acid (0.01%) 

Inactive:Electrolyzed Oxygenated Water (H2O) 99.94%, Sodium Chloride (NaCl) 0.048%, Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl) 0.002%